Legal Notice

Website editor

This site is the property of Mille et 1 Mariage – Stéphanie Durand

Registered with the RCS of Pau, number 413 182 668

  • 4 Rue du Parnasse – 64000 Pau – France
  • Tel. : +33 (0)
  • Email:

Director of the publication

Stéphanie Durand


Host : OVH
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix

Realization and maintenance

Isabelle LARRODÉ – CreaNet64


Intellectual Property

The website operated at is the property of Stéphanie Durand.

This site is also a work protected by intellectual property law. It includes texts, images, photographs, illustrations, logos, themselves protected by industrial and intellectual property rights.

The use by the Internet user of the site is strictly reserved for private use – the right of use by the Internet user being limited to the consultation of information appearing on the site.

Any use, reproduction, total or partial downloading of the site or of one of its elements, texts, images, photographs, illustrations, logos without the agreement of its owner or the holder of the rights is consequently forbidden, except for the private copy carried out at personal and noncommercial ends.

Any infringement of the present article is likely to be penally and civilly sanctioned, in particular under the title of counterfeiting and will involve, if necessary, the payment of damages.

Privacy Policy

The personal data collected are exclusively intended for the editor of the site. No personal data is transferred or communicated to a third party.

The purpose of this data is to process the messages received by the user on the site.

The Internet user has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning him. To exercise this right, the Internet user may send his request to

  • by email to
  • or by mail at : 4 Rue du Parnasse – 64000 Pau

The Internet user also has the right to oppose the collection of his data. However, the user is informed that the data communicated through the forms present on the site are identified as mandatory are necessary to (to be completed) for the processing and response to messages received. The processing of messages can therefore not be carried out if these data are not provided by the user.


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– strictly necessary tracers, which do not require your prior consent,

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1 – Tracers exempt from prior consent

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The most effective way is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest that you consult your browser’s Help section or visit this website(How to Control Cookies ), which has tips for all modern browsers.

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2 – Trackers subject to your prior consent

The site uses trackers under our control and others under the control of third parties(Jetpack), which are subject to your prior consent.

You can prevent the use of these cookies by adjusting your browser settings.

The most effective way is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest that you consult your browser’s Help section or visit this website(How to Control Cookies ), which has tips for all modern browsers.