Our planet is precious and we must take care of it. But organizing a wedding and being eco-responsible is not easy. However, the team of Mille et 1 Mariage is anxious to be able to propose you services in adequacy with this philosophy, each partner having its own approach.

  • Jerome has a huge reserve with thousands of objects. For each wedding, he reuses a certain number of them to create the decorations.
  • Richard, to concoct all his dishes, buys from local producers and works with local products.
  • Damien makes a point of buying from growers near his store to make all his floral arrangements.
  • Margot uses recycled gold for the creation of her jewelry, because gold is infinitely recyclable. By doing so, carbon emissions are divided by 5. Margot’s boutique is the first jewelry store to certify the country of origin and the ethical provenance of its diamonds and precious stones.
  • As for me, I had my business cards and brochures printed at the Grandes Imprimeries, which planted two trees in return.

All this has several virtues, to make work professionals of the hexagon, to make savings of transport and to recycle objects already used. For you, it is the guarantee that the notion of “protecting our planet” is at the heart of the development of your project.