In order to make a success of your wedding, three key words must be remembered: imagination, organization and planning.

In order for your wedding to be a reflection of your couple, it is important to determine an idea that relates to your history and that will be the common thread of the event. The latter will determine the theme. So everything you create will be related to it: the place, the decoration, the dress, the invitations, and many other things.

Then the organization. You will need to determine a budget and the number of guests. A wedding requires to meet a certain number of providers, to determine with each of them your desires, and to tell them what is important for you. Then you will have to check that everything is in line with what you want, and that the quotes reflect what you want.

Finally the planning. In order to be ready on the D-Day, you will have to follow step by step the progress of the project and its preparations. Make sure everything is ready for the big day.

To make a success of your wedding is to devote a great part of your free time to the organization of this last one so that all is as you want it for the D-day.